Monday, April 5, 2010

Tomorrow is the DAY

The day to begin our mission trip is almost here. Yesterday was Easter and it is amazing how the overlap of Lent and our mission team formations has heightened our awareness of service and being the hands and feet of God. For many of us, the weekly fasting of three meals created a sense of sharing with each other but also drew us closer to Jesus and the fasting he and His disciples engaged in.

The Soles for Souls campaign was a huge success and far exceeded our goal of 500 pairs of shoes in 30 days. Nehemiah's Neighbors are taking 479 pairs down to Santiago with us. We sent 100 pair to Eastern Kentucky with the Methodist Mountain Mission. We have at least 300 more pair with a potential for another 250 pair that will be taken to both Wayside Mission and Henderson Settlement in Eastern Kentucky. For those of you counting along, that is over 1100 pairs of shoes. God is Good, All the Time!!!

I am running in the Kentucky Derby Festival FULL 26 Mile Marathon on April 24th. This year, I am raising money for GO ministies, specifically Will & Audrey. If you would like to donate, you can contact me directly or you can go to Will & Audrey's blog and pay by credit card. The link is: If you donate there, just let me know!!! God Bless!

1 comment:

Stuart S. said...

Today is the day. What a glorious day God has given us - the sun is shining and their is a cool breeze. God Bless!