Thursday, April 8, 2010

Called To Be His Hands And Feet

I'll be perfectly honest, going on a mission trip during MY spring break as a high school senior was no where near the top of my list of destinations. My idea of spring break was sleeping 24/7 catching up on loss sleep. My eyes were not open to the mission God had assigned me. It has so far been an awsome experience. The work they have us doing on the church we are building is fun and enjoyable. It's great to know that the work I'm doing will enhance the ministry of the local pastors.
My favorite part is when we fed the kids in the "hole". The community is very poor and the meal we were serving the kids at noon was more than likely their only meal for the day. The older siblings would force feed the little ones after they declared they were full. It was important to make the little ones eat more than they wanted. They loved playing games and enjoyed our presence.
I'm glad I came, but I wish the roosters would shut their mouths at night. Some roosters must be blind because the sun won't come up for another 4 hours when they start telling the people in the neighborhood to get up.
Thank you for the prayers,
Lloyd Fowler


Ellis said...

Great to see the updates. I know this is a special time. Love all of you, especially a couple. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Anonymous said...

I am glad God has revealed himself to you in the D.R. Enjoy His blessings each day and bring back the friendly spirit of the Dominican people to St. John.

Chris Smith