Friday, April 13, 2012

Working hard - Construction and Team Building

Sorry for the few days of no communication, as we've been very busy with construction and other events.

As always, it's always great to grow closer to the other members of the team.  Both those that you know and those and you're getting to know.

We've spent our days working at the Central Church (the same place we're staying).  Tieing rebar, un-tieing rebar, and tearing down a wall have been the order of the days.

Yesterday (Thursday) we visited a feeding center to help with lunch.  It's always a moving experience feeding the kids.  After lunch, we played with the kids in the area.  They always enjoy when they get visitors.

Last night, we had the pleasure of attending the first wedding in the Central Church.  (more on that later)

Thanks for the continued prayers.


Catherine Detweiler said...

Sounds like you're having a great week (no surprise there!). Can't wait to hear more about the wedding (and see pictures?).

Michael said...

Rebar, well back in the old days, we tied rebar day & a village just past the sad cow fact we untied a lot too! What or who was the common variable...hmmm. =)

Miss you all greatly and praying mightily the Holy Spirt moves each of you where you have your greatest need but all will ignite the server spirit in our community more than ever before.

Enjoy the opportunity to decompress; it is not just important but critical to helping you find the message God has for you! And oh, don't forget aloe.


Patti Whonsetler said...

Hard to follow Michael's words of wisdom. All good advise. How exciting that Bienvo and Maralois got married. Please send pictures! Gosh, I know first hand how much fun it is to tie and untie rebar. Treat each other to hand massages! Can't wait to see more pictures and hear your stories. Am praying you all enjoy your time at the beach, relaxing, debriefing and listening to what the Holy Spirit speaks into each of your hearts.

Several of us back home got to attend a wedding too....Tiffany Lawson's. It was a beautiful wedding and fun reception tonight.

Anyone going banana boating tomorrow? Watch out for that last flip into, can hurt!
Love and blessings to you all....and thanks for serving!

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how much we'd LOVE to see pictures... of friends and family who are in D.R. on this Mission Trip! We'd love to see them and the people they are helping, them working on projects, on breaks, smiling, laughing, and intent on their mission... it would assure those at home, and inform a future volunteer group too! Think about how important pictures will be... they don't have cameras, or phones... please send us plenty of pictures... for witnessing and sharing memories for our scrapbooks and facebook postings! Thank you. Debbie Douglas

Robbye Shulhafer said...

Wish we could have been there for the wedding! Please give my congratulations and blessings to Bienvo and Maralois! Our prayers for each of you and the ministry you are doing in the DR. Safe travels back home!