Sunday, April 10, 2011

Worship this morning was wonderful. We were able to return to Hata del Yaque and worship with the families we met yesterday. How exciting to be able to return to the first worksite (St. John D.R. Trip #1) and see the fruits of our labors as the members of this community poured into the building. We definitely had a language barrier, but the love these people have for Christ is evident despite this barrier. We were able to join in their worship music as their songs were familiar to us. It was wonderful to praise His holy name.

Looking forward to the time this evening to meet as a team and process what we have all experienced over the past 4 days. We have seen and heard a great deal and God has much to teach us from this experience. Excited to hear what everyone has to say.

Dios le bendiga! Jennie

I got to go play ball with the kids. It was baseball and we all knew what to do so there was no language barrier. That was a neat way to spend time together enjoying each other.

Church this morning was different. The language barrier kinda got in the way, but i learned that no one knows when Jesus is coming so we have to be ready!

Kerlyn did a great job translating for us.


Elliott says he just wants us all to remember we worship an awesome God!


ScottW said...

What a great report. Thank you both and I'm so glad the team was able to visit our original worksite. Can't wait to see pictures.

Safe travels today and enjoy the final 2 days!

Scott & Nick

Michael said...

Enjoy your time with each other and reflecting on how much you have grown this week. What a unique opportunity to serve, share and worship. Enjoy the beach and I pray that you all return to St. John with the fire that burns within you on Sunday night.
God Bless you and safe travels,

Stuart said...

Prayers for safe travel, and blessings for all you have done this week to serve the Lord.
God Bless,
