Monday, April 2, 2007

Sunday in the D.R.

The Palm Sunday service at church yesterday was great. As Rob Jr. pointed out yesterday, not much could be understood from the message, but we could indeed pick out certain parts. It was interesting to put our (at least mine) limited Spanish to the test as we thumbed through the Bible to find the book of Juan and get to the specific chapter and verse. And then to read along silently as it was read aloud. Scott B graced the service with a great solo in Spanish. Though he didn't have his mic turned on, he could still be heard and I must admit, being one of the taller attendees in the service and having the speaker at my ear level, it was welcome relief. They like their music loud. They really get it going.

Besides the obvious of lifting Christ up, the men of the group have another theory for the volume level. In our dorm Saturday night, we had the pleasure (sarasm) of having a group below us enjoy their music (I used the term VERY loosly) at very loud levels Saturday night starting at 11:00pm. Couple that with what sounded like a sidewalk being jackhammered at 11:30 and then the "24 Hours of Santiago" moped/motorcycle rally with the pits being below us (I heard my last wine of the moped engine at 2:45am), our theory is that the Church is giving those late nighters a reason to get up and get going on a Sunday morning. God is indeed good! ;)

Our trip to the beach was a little more eventful than most of our trips. The President of the Dominican Republic has been in this area of the country starting on Friday. We passed his motorcade as we were heading to the beach and they were coming back from that area. It seems the folks up here have a little more moxie on the mopeds/motorcycles than in the city. They don't necessarily heed to the horn of the bus like the city folks do. Other than that, we're settled up here and relaxing a bit while we prepare for the trip home. We'll leave here at noonish to head back to Santiago. We'll pack up and head out first thing tomorrow.

No pictures today, as we have very limited access to the computer.

We can feel the prayers each day that are lifted up for us and we thank you for those. I often reflect to looking at the sign-up board for the prayer vigil for the trip and a big smile comes to my face. We have a wonderful family.

If any of my fourth grade boys are following this, thank you for your prayers and I look forward to sharing my trip with you. Cornerstone Class...a personal thanks for praying for me.

I think I speak for the entire team when I say that we miss our families. Jennie/Luke/Nick, I can't wait to see you tomorrow night. I miss you and love you.

Please keep lifing up those prayers for this team and the folks of the Domincan Republic.

In Christ!
Scott W.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Scott, for painting such a great picture of your experience there. For some reason the idea of mopeds & extremely loud music hadn't come to mind for me. Hopefully it wasn't rap!

I hope you've enjoyed your time in that beautiful, warm country. Believe it or not, the high temps here for Thursday-Sunday are supposed to be in the 47-50 degree range, with lows in the upper 20's-low 30's. Yikes!

You are all in our prayers for what I'm sure is some well deserved relaxation before you depart the island, and for safe, uncomplicated travel home.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Scott, for painting such a great picture of your experience there. For some reason the idea of mopeds & extremely loud music hadn't come to mind for me. Hopefully it wasn't rap!

I hope you've enjoyed your time in that beautiful, warm country. Believe it or not, the high temps here for Thursday-Sunday are supposed to be in the 47-50 degree range, with lows in the upper 20's-low 30's. Yikes!

You are all in our prayers for what I'm sure is some well deserved relaxation before you depart the island, and for safe, uncomplicated travel home.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for another update. A little different than the others, but it is important to get details of all the things you are experiencing in the D.R.

Enjoy shopping today (I just talked to Rob and that's what he said you were doing). Jennifer, try not to get swept away in any waves today. We need our Masi to come home in one piece!

Love you guys - have fun and see you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Candi and Al get up early (by looking at the time of their posting). Loved the grace song from yesterday. IT brought tears to my eyes to see all of you worshipping like that(and that was just for breakfast). It sounds like the guys may be tired today, so it's a good thing you are shopping and hitting the beach. I can't wait to hear all your stories and see Tara's 500 pictures. Jennifer, even though Jack didn't want to talk to you the other day (come on, who can compete with buying a toy?), it's obvious he misses his Masi. I hope to take him to the zoo or park tomorrow! Thanks for all your work everyone! I'll be praying for your safe return and that Scott B. and Chris can be on the same flight with everyone else! Love in Christ, Patti W.

Anonymous said...

It all sounds like such an awesome adventure. We are looking forward to all the wonderful stories you will have to share. I agree that the prayers have been powerful. The week has gone by quickly and without any "major" glitches.
Can't wait too see what trinkets might be in the suitcase that has so much room for its return trip! :) We continue to pray for your safety and can hardly wait to put our arms around each of you and welcome you home! We were willing to share you for God's work, but we are ready to get you back.

God Bless each of you for your serving hearts. I know the people of the D.R. have been blessed in a special way this week ( and each of you likewise).

Will and Audrey - thanks for taking such good care of them for us. You are beuatiful people and Christ's love shines through you is special ways. Keep up the good work and know that our prayers for you and your community will not stop just because our "crew" has returned home. Luke and Nick think it is really cool that their dad got to come help you two!

Jennie, Luke, and Nick

Ellis said...

Can't wait to hear the stories. Scott, some of the best times of my life have been immersed in the "good times" of other people.
Thanks to all for sharing the message that God is Love, and not just a generic mushy kind of love, but a hands-on, noisy, sweaty, sometimes smelly kind of love.