Monday, April 8, 2013

VBS Fishing for Men

We started our day by conducting a VBS at the church that was on the site of the medical clinic. Between 60-70 children came and participated. We began the fun with some singing and then Jack fascinated the kids with magic tricks. Then we performed a short skit telling the story of Peter, James, and John learning how to be fishers of men. Elaine narrated the skit and Austin, Nick, and Dare played the apostles.  Danny played the part of Jesus and the cast was supported by Bev, Rachel, and Patty. The kids loved it as a few of them got caught in the nets as examples of what Jesus really meant.

When the play was over, the kids broke up into groups to perform a craft that Kim Nuss developed. They made fish out of old CDs, gluing on eyes, fins, and scales. It was fun to walk outside and see the kids wearing these around their necks. It was a lot of bling for such small bodies. J The morning concluded with the team going to the feeding center below and feeding the children lunch.

In the afternoon we went back to central church to conduct the same event there and everything went great. I even saw kids wearing those CD/Fish the next morning.

Our day concluded with a special event. Eating hotdogs and watching the Louisville Cards beat Witchita State. Have we already made it to heaven?
Pictures coming.

Watching Jack do his magic!


Peter, James, and John with Jesus

The little ones are captivated
Fishing for men!

Elaine getting Ready for crafts

Lana and Sandy getting ready for crafts.

Go Cards!

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