Nehemiah's Neighbors have all returned to Kentucky after a wonderful trip to the Dominican Republic to be the hands and feet of Jesus. While serving the missionaries and the local Dominicans, we learned a lot about each other and ourselves. The true focus of this trip was about relationship building: first with Christ and our journey to be more Christlike, then with each of the other 31 St. John missionaries, then the GO missionaries but especially Will & Audrey, the local Dominicans that are so integral to the GO mission in DR and the residents. I believe we touch all of those and some of the team grew more in one area than another as one might expect. Just as the rebar that we worked on will provide strength, stability and a foundation for the concrete of the roof of the Central Church, so does our Lord provide us the strength, stability and foundation for eternal life. Each piece is connected to the next, each adding a piece to the whole and only together, can it and we provide the basis for growth, both the evangelism of the Word in this community and in our world through the relationships we nurture and cultivate.
This is truely the beginning of the experience as we look to how has it changed our lives and what will we do with this fire burning within us? How long will the shadow of this trip extend into the future and will it be visible by putting our faith into action? As Will told the group during a reflection devotion on Sunday night, we are all bonded together as part of the GO team now...what an awesome blessing and responsibility that is.
This was a wonderful trip with a wonderful purpose- Full of Wonder; only God could touch so many in so many different ways.
The "4th Day" continues. What a wonderful experience to have been a part of Nehemiah's Neighbors. What do I do with this week? Where do I go from here? We all were blessed so much this week to be a part of a wonderful experience and see so many acts of God's love! The experience has stoked the fire in my heart to continue to serve Will & Audrey, and our many brothers and sisters in the Dominican Republic. I realize what we did this week is a small part in the big picture of things; but, it is the many hands and feet of God that are doing so many tremendous things for so many peoples lives in the DR. Continued prayers for our fellow GO missionary's serving in the DR and many thanks to the St. John family for all your love and prayers. God Bless!
Geraldo (Rivera): "Our faith in action series continues with an interview of two men who say they saw Jesus on the way to Emmaus...To the 1st man, Cleopas, I ask: 'You claim to have seen Jesus...why so?'"
Cleopas: You see, I know it was Him - it was revealed to us.'"
Geraldo: "And you, #2, do you also back this up?"
Man #2: "Absolutely!"
Geraldo: "That's quite a claim! What did Jesus tell you?"
Cleopas: "That he HAD appeared to Simon! It was Him! He Lives!"
Geraldo: "And what proof do you have?"
Cleopas: "Maybe you should talk to the apostles. I can only tell you what I know to be true. Jesus is resurrected! It's just as Jesus said: 'O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory.'"
Geraldo: "So what do you do with this information? What's the next step?"
Cleopas: "Spread the word, man! Spread the word!"
Geraldo: "Thanks, gentlemen. And now, back to Studio B..."
Dominican 2010 Blessings
My trip to the Dominican this year was an extra special blessing. Partly because I got to watch my son Miles, and all of the other youth on this trip work hard, and develop relationships with each other, the GO staff and the Dominicans. They were troopers and they had a blast!
But my main blessing was seeing the fruit of our labor and how God is working in the DR through GO Ministries. In 2007, I was blessed to be a part of a group, the Bakers dozen, who went over to the DR and tied re-bar on the roof of what would become a feeding center and church, in a small community called Hato del Yaque. At first site, I was devastated at the poverty and living conditions. After the third day of work, as we were pulling out of the neighborhood, I watched out my window at the smiling faces waving to us, and tears started running down my cheeks as I did not want to leave. I wanted to stay and do more. I had fallen in love with the GO staff, the family that attended the property, and especially the smiling, loving children. I looked over at Jennifer sitting next to me and she was doing the same. ( Imagine, Jennifer crying). This year, with a majority vote to shorten our lunch or siesta time, we returned to the community of Hato del Yaque for a look at what had been accomplished. It was breath taking. It is now a beautiful facility, with a dorm to sleep 60 people, bathrooms and showers, a kitchen and large community room. Last week they started feeding the children that one good meal a day from that center. So as we drove out of the community this time, my tears flowed again. But they were tears of joy and praise, tears of thanks, for the way God has been working through GO Ministries, their staff and all of the teams that go there to work.
We also visited the Hole which is a community built around a garbage dump. We fed the children there the first year from a side kitchen window in a dark, dirty dungeon like room. You either sat on the floor or tiny pews. But that was okay as this was their only meal a day for most. This year we went to do a Bible school class there. The facility is now a wonderful, clean, two story building with a feeding center, kitchen, tables and chairs below, and a church on the second floor. Will also took us by a building , where GO had partnered with Edge Ministry to install a water filtration system for the community. Pastor Felix opens it on Mondays and Thursdays for folks to come to get clean water. The children looked much healthier than they did before. It was amazing.
A third blessing was getting to meet our GO kid after 3 years. Mariely is a beautiful young lady and will be graduating from the GO Christian School in June and heading to public high school. Kids in the DR have to test into high school. 22 of the 23 8th graders tested into high school last year from GO school. They are making a difference!
As a community, we are blessed to have two ministries, GO and Edge, in the Louisville area who are making a profound difference in the lives of others. As a church , we are blessed to have two young missionaries who have dedicated their lives to God and helping others and are changing the lives of the Dominicans and Haitians daily. We as their church family need to support them with our love, prayers and finances. After this trip, I can positively say, God is working in a mighty way through GO, Will and Audrey, and staff like Bienvo and his precious family. May God continue to bless all of them and cover them with his protection and love.
Thank you to St John family for your prayers and support. And a special thank you to our fearless leader Michael Belt who keeps us on track!! God Bless.
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